Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Health #6 - Tuesday, July 26

Today is July 26th.  I haven’t smoked a cigarette since July 4th, and haven’t taken the Chantix medication since the week before last.  I think that my quit has been successful!  I don’t crave nicotine, and I don’t mind being around others who smoke.  I didn’t even trade one bad habit for another so far as I can tell.  That, amongst all of the pain and frustration of this summer has been the highlight, and a feat of which I am extremely proud.  I have always struggled with self-control.  By taking the Chantix, I helped to remove the chemical addiction so I could focus on removing the bad habits and experiences that made me want to smoke.
My health is actually improved at the moment too.  Topamax may be great for some people, but for me it was like living life in a complete fog.  I had to back off the dosage little by little to get off of it safely, but now that I am no longer taking it, more than half my symptoms have disappeared.  I am no longer hyper sensitive to light, and no longer have severe eye pain.  I am no longer mixing up words and forgetting things, thus causing me to repeat myself quite a lot.  I am no longer getting lost in familiar places.  I can complete a thought and a sentence.  I am very fond of my intellect, and giving it up for pain relief that wasn’t forthcoming after nearly two months was just not going to do.  So, if you have used Topamax before and you swear by it, by all means recommend it to others.  As for me, I wouldn’t take it again even if I had no other choice.  Oh, and Icksnay on the Imitrex, too.  Yuck.
Now as for pain, I still have spades of it.  In my head, behind my eyes, at the back of my skull, through my neck and shoulders, especially on the right side; and an odd ‘pinched nerve’ feeling in my lower spine that affects either one leg or the other, and sometimes both at the same time.  Muscle relaxers help the most, but I have to wait to take them until I am at home if I expect to get anything done at work.  Other pain medicine doesn’t really do the trick, and can cause me to actually get a worse or ‘rebound’ headache.  So, unless the pain is unbearable, I try to do no medication.  The best thing you can do for a migraine is go to bed.  When I’m not at work, I do that a lot.   
My poor child has to ask me all the time whether or not I’m feeling good, or if my head hurts.  He shouldn’t have to cater to my suffering at such a young age.  It makes me mad.  I still feel as if I’ve been mistreated.  I went to the doctor for tremors that we are treating, but of which the root cause has not been found.  Then, we go ‘gung-ho headache’ and diagnose a rare disease.  Then we blame the LP procedure for the pain for a week.  Then we blame migraines for a week.  Then we blame the increased pressure in my head the next week.  The emergency room treats me for a severe headache, but doesn’t try to figure out why I am having it, charges me 100 bucks and sends me home to be on the couch some more.  Then the doctor tells me that there isn’t anything more he can do and I just have to wait and let the medicine begin to work. This miracle medicine that made me worse instead of better.  Gah!  I just want to scream sometimes.  I am going to keep my appointment in Little Rock on the 15th, and get to the bottom of this.  I’ll just start over with the tremors and go from there.
At least there has been some improvement :) I am happy that I can still go to work as long as I can rest up between shifts :)  I am happy that I am smoke free for the first time when I felt like I had really kicked the habit. :)  I am happy that I am fortunate enough to have a good job with insurance.  I am happy-and honored-to have so many people thinking about me and praying for me.  :) I am happy to have a family that loves me and takes care of me and of Riley when I can’t.  I am happy to have a dishwasher in my kitchen!! I am truly blessed by God to have so many people who care.  Much love to you all!

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